Red Maple – Local Pickup Only


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Red Maple (Acer rubrum)

Currently 3+ feet tall. Local Pickup in Hanover, Pennsylvania Only.

Supports 293 species of butterflies and moths

Bright red fall leaves are stunning

Excellent shade tree

Availability: 3 in stock


Red Maple (Acer rubrum)

The maple tree is ingrained in our culture. We name our towns and streets, schools, and businesses after them. We title our landmark creeks, rivers, and mountains after maples. Canada likes it so much they put it on their flag.
Maple trees (particularly sugar) provide wood for fine furniture, flooring, violins, cellos, banjos, bowling pins, gunstocks, railroad ties, baskets, tool handles, and much more. Their sweet syrup tops our pancakes and maple sugar flavors ice cream and baked goods.
However, the red maple is more than just utilitarian. They are a sign of the changing seasons. Red maple’s bright red blooms are a sign of early spring in February and provide sustenance for emerging pollinators. The maple’s bright red colors invite autumn and attract sightseers from around the world. Red maple is among the best shade trees for our yards and parks.
Maple trees also provide food and shelter for our local wildlife. White-tailed deer and rabbits browse upon the leaves and buds. Beavers and porcupines chew the bark. The seeds are food for turkey, finches, wood ducks, squirrels, and chipmunks. Maples make excellent nesting sites for birds which keep them protected from the elements. Woodpeckers drill holes in large maples which creates cavities for many animals to use as shelter including squirrels, opossum, woodpeckers, owls, raccoons, wood ducks, American kestrel, eastern bluebird, and 31 other species of local birds. Their leaves also support 293 species of caterpillar and moth. The maple is truly a gift for mankind and nature. Consider planting a red maple tree in your yard.


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